Elementalist top
Elemental Attunement - Perdition Rock, "Geckokara Earthwind"(Drake Boss)
Ether Prodigy - Ring of Fire, "Jyth Sprayburst" (Breeze Keeper Boss)
Ether Renewal - Elona Reach --- Thirsty River, "Issah Sshay"
Glimmering Mark - Witman's Folley, "Alana Pekpek" --- Talus Chute, "Fdibbo Pekpek"
Glyph of Energy - Mineral Springs, "Hyl Thunderwing"
Glyph of Renewal - Perdition Rock, "Nayl Klaw Tuthan"(Hydra Boss)
Lightning Surge - Dragon's Lair
Mind Burn - Ring of Fire --- Abaddon --- Hell's Precipice, "Scelus Prosum"
Mind Freeze - Witman's Folley, "Maak Frostfiend" --- "Skit Skizzle", Ice Floe
Mind Shock - Snake Dance - "Old Red Claw" - (Griffon Boss)
Mist Form - Ring of Fire, "Eidolon" --- Abaddon --- Iron Mines of Moladune --- Talus Chute(Out of Rankor), "Brrr Windburn" --- Snake Dance, "Sala Chillbringer"
Obsidian Flesh - Perdition Rock , "Harn Coldstone"
Thunderclap - Abbadon, "Optimus Caliph" --- Thunderhead Keep, "Chrysos The Magnetic" --- Ring of Fire, "Maida teh Ill Tempered"
Ward Against Harm - Frozen Forest, "Arkhel Havenwood"
Water Trident- Sorrow Caves, "Berg Frozenfist" --- Thunderhead Keep, "The Judge"
Mesmer top
Crippling Anguish - Thunderhead Keep, "Fuury Stonewrath" --- Ice Caves of Sorrow, "Jonar Stonebender" --- Lornar's Pass, (Stone Summit Boss), Frozen Forest -"Barl Stormsiege" summit boss (might be same as Lornar's Pass one)
Echo - Perdition Rock, "Rwek Kawl Mawl"(Hydra Boss)
Energy Drain - Ice Floe, "Gambol Headrainer" --- Witman's Folley, "Snik Hungrymind"
Energy Surge - Ring of Fire, Mursaat boss "Melek The Virtuous" --- Abadon, "Mercia the Smug" --- Iron Mines of Muladune, "Balasi the arcane"
Fevered Dreams - Abadon's Mouth, "Plexus Shadowhook" (Flame Dryder Boss)
Illusianry Weaponry - Ring of Fire, Abaddon --- Talus Chute, "Seear" --- Iron Mines of Moladune, "Durko Mustalker"--- Snake Dance, "Didn Hopestealer"
Ineptitude - Mineral Springs, "Wyt Sharpfeather"
Keystone Signet - Spearhead Peak, "Rune Ethercrash"
Mantra of Recall - Dragon's Lair --- Snake Dance, (Griffon boss) "Featherclaw"
Mantra of Recovery - Elona Reach Tis Danssir --- Thirsty River, "Goss Aleessh" (First boss)
Migraine - Ring of Fire, (Breeze Keeper Boss)
Panic - Hell's Precipice, "Moles Quibus"
Power Block - Perdition Rock, "Lyssa's Curse"(Flesh Ghoul)
Signet of Midnight - Perdition Rock, "Malus Phantasmus"(Phantasm)
Monks top
Amity - Perdition Rock, "Pravus Obsideo" (Phantasm Boss)
Aura of Faith- Ring of Fire, "Coventina The Matron" --- Thunderhead Keep, Mursaat Boss --- Abadon --- Talus Chute, "Kaia Wupwup"
Healing Hands- Perdition Rock, "Rull Browbeater"
Life Barrier - Lornar's Pass, "Quick Root" --- Frozen Forest, "Esnhal Hardwood"
Mark of Protection- Sorrow Caves --- Iron Mines of Moladune, "Lokar Icemender" --- Thunderhead Keep, "Bolis Hillshaker"
Martyr - Perdition Rock, "Dwayna's Curse"(Flesh Ghoul Boss)
Peace and Harmony - Snake Dance, "Marnta Doomspeaker"
Restore Condition - Abadon's Mouth,"Spindle Agonyvein" (Spider Boss)
Sheild of Deflection - Ring of Fire, "Grun Galesurge" (Breeze Keeper Boss)
Sheild of Judgement - Mineral Springs, "Myd Springclaw"
Shield of Regeneration- Dragon's Lair
Signet of Judgement- Iron Mines of Moladune, "Balt Duskrider" --- Talus Chute, "Frostbite"(Shadow Boss)
Spell Breaker - Talus Chute, Thunderhead Keep, Snake Dance - (Blessed Griffon Boss) "RaptorHawk"
Unyielding Aura - Witman's Folley, "Ipillo Wupwup"
Word of Healing - Elona Reach --- Thirsty River, "Josso Essher"
Necromancer top
Aura of the Lich - Hell's Precipice, "Maligo Libens"
Blood Is Power - Snake Dance, "Cry Darkday"
Feast of Corruption - DreadNought Drift, "Maw The Mountain Heart" (Worm Boss)
Grenth's Balance - Dragon's Lair
Life Transfer- Iron Mines of Moladune, "Feodore the Baneful" --- Thunderhead Keep, Agyrus the Scoundrel --- Ring of Fire, "Odelyn the Displeased" --- Abadon, "Sarlic the Judge"
Lingering curse - Perdition Rock, "Grenth's Cursed" (Flesh golem Boss)
Offering of Blood - Thunderhead Keep, "Rine Windrot" --- Frozen Forest, "Jollen Steelblight"
Order of the Vampire - Elona Reach --- Thirsty River, "Hessper Sasso"
Plague Signet - Witman's Folley, "Korobo Dimdim"
Spiteful Spirit - Iron Mines of Moladune, "Ceru Gloomrunner" --- Talus Chute, "Nighh Spinechill" --- Snake Dance, "Sapph Blactracker"
Soul Leech - Abadpn's Mouth, "Goss Darkweb" (Flame Dryder Boss)
Tainted Flesh - Perdition Rock, "Dosakaru Fevertouch"
Virulence - Frozen Forest, "Unthet Rotwood" (Pinesole Boss)
Well of Power - Frozen Forest --- Mineral Springs, "Nhy Darkclaw" (Avicara Guile Boss)
Wither - Perdition Rock, "Ignis Effigia" (Phantom Boss)
Ranger top
Barrage - Iron Mines of Moladune, "Markis" --- Ring of Fire, (Wurm Boss) --- Abadon, "Snyk The Hungrymind"
Crippling Shot - Perdition Rock, "Melandru's Cursed"
Escape - Talus Chute,Snake Dance "Whuup Buumbuul"
Ferocious Strike - Spearhead Peak, "Thul the Bull"
Greater Conflag - Hell's precipice, "Valetudo Rubor"
Incindiary Arrows - Ring of Fire, "Casses Flameweb" (Spider Boss)
Marksman's Wager - Desert Missons --- Enchanter boss, Elona Reach --- Thirsty River
Melandru's Arrows - Thunderhead Keep, "Ulnar Stonehound" --- Frozen Forest, "Resnar Mountainsight"
Melandru's Resiliance - Dragon Lair
Oath shot - Mursaat boss, Ring of Fire --- Abadon, "Cairn the Relentless" AND "Willa the Unpleasant" --- Thunderhead Keep, "Perfected Cloak"
Poison Arrow - Witman's Folley, "Salani Pillip"
Practiced Stance - Mineral Springs, "Ryk Arrowwing"
Punishing Shot - Snake Dance, "Thul Boulderrain" (Giant boss)
Quick shot - Perdition Rock, "Maxine Coldstone"
Spike Trap - Ring of Fire, "Vulg Painbrain"(Ettin Boss)
Warrior top
"Victory is Mine" - Talus Chute, "Jono Yawpyawl"(Grawl Boss) --- Witman's Folley, "Sakalo YawpYawl"
Backbreaker - Ettin boss, Perdition Rock --- Ring of Fire, "Ferk Mallet"
Battle Rage - Snake Dance, "Krogg Smush"(Warrior Troll Boss) --- Talus Chute, "Krogg Smush"
Bull's Charge - Skintekaru Manshredder, Perdition Rock
Cleave- IronMines of Moldune(Halfway through), "Marka Granitehand" --- Thunderhead Keep, "Gornar Bellybreaker" --- Frozen Forest, "Linka Goldensteel"
Charge - Balthazar's cursed, Perdition Rock
Defy Pain - Lornar's Pass, Pinesole Boss(From Beacons Perch)
Devastating Hammer- Road through Mursaat(Jade Armor Warrior) --- Iron Mines of Moladune --- Abadon, "Cairn the Destroyer"
Dwarven Battle Stance - Iron Mines of Moladune
Earth Shaker - Snake Dance, "Kor Stonewrath"(Giant Boss)
Eviscerate - Hell's Precipice, "Tortitudo Probo"
Flourish - Mineral Springs, "Syr Honorcrest"
Gladiator's Defense- Dragon's Lair
Hundred Blades - Ring of Fire, Abaddon, Hell's Precipice
Skull Crack - Spearhead Peak, "Hail Blackice"
Warrior's Endurance - Elona Reach --- Thirsty River, "Custodian Hulgar"